You are here: Email Marketing / EmailLabs > Messages--Lyris HQ Interface > Message Creation Workflow > Creating a Message: Overview

Message Creation Overview

To create a message, you need to complete the following steps:

1. Select recipients

2. Create and edit content

In the Edit Content step, you can select a template, add enhancers and mail merge  tags, and preview the message.

You can also send a Quick Test to specific email addresses. You might want to do this, for example, to see how your mail merge fields and dynamic content will appear to different recipients.

3. Test and proof

Optionally, you can send the message to your proof contacts to see how the message will appear in recipient's inboxes. You can also generate Email Test reports, which give you information about the deliverability of your message, such as whether any elements of the message might cause it to be flagged as spam.

After you create and test the message, you can either save it for editing later, send it right away, or schedule it for future delivery.

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